The Oaks Home Owners Association
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TREES: Be sure to allow room enough for the mature height and spread of the tree you select so that it doesn't interfere with your roof and that the roots have enough room so that they do not buckle your driveway or sidewalk. Bradford pear trees are not suitable to this area. They are too fragile.
Last Updated: 31 December 2014
LAWNS The best time of the year to rejuvenate your lawn is the fall--late August/early September. Vertislicing cuts the soil so that grass seed can fall into the cut and be nurtured by the soil, water and fertilizer. New seed needs to be kept moist for about 10 days until it germinates. Fescue is a hardier grass seed for our climate than blue grass; however, fescue does not spread and fill in like blue grass.
Last Updated: 31 December 2014
P.O. Box 10771  |  Kansas City, MO 64188-0771